Weekly services explained
Our aim is to provide a variety of services to suit many tastes, to provide an encounter with God and real connection with our daily lives.
1ST SUNDAY: 10am: Holy Communion, 5pm: Oasis in the Afternoon
2ND SUNDAY: 8am: BCP Communion, 10am Oasis/Oasis Cafe
3RD SUNDAY: 10am: Oasis Communion
4TH SUNDAY: 8am: BCP Communion, 10am: Morning Worship
5TH SUNDAY: 10am: Holy Communion
BCP Communion – 8am 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month (Clergy led)
A said service using the formal liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer
Morning Worship – 10am 4th Sunday monthly (Lay led)
A structured but relaxed service with hymns played by our organist
Oasis in the Afternoon – 5pm 1st Sunday monthly (Lay & Clergy led)
Informal, family focused, using video clips and contemporary songs
Oasis Communion – 10am 3rd Sunday monthly (Clergy led)
Relaxed and informal communion service, this service includes Oasis Explorers for families.
Oasis – 10am 2nd Sunday monthly (Lay led)
Relaxed, all age worship, with contemporary music, sometimes in a Cafe format
Holy Communion – 10am 1st & 5th Sunday monthly (Clergy led)
Formal communion using the Church of England Common Worship liturgy with singing to traditional hymns played by our organist.
TaizĂ© – 5pm, Sunday twice annually (Clergy led)
Based on worship from the Taizé Community in France, this is a meditative form of worship using chants and songs.
Messy Church – 3pm, Saturday six times a year (Lay led)
Fun for all the family. Craft, games and food all with a relevant bible message.