Groups Explained

CAMRA – Clive Bole (01622 662605)
A monthly pub based club who meet for lunch (Wednesday)

Faith Explorers – Fiona Higgs (07951 777854)
A group of mums exploring faith in the world.

JAHFA – Fiona Higgs (07951 777854)
A group for secondary school aged children. Games, discussions, puppets and cake!

Men’s Breakfast – Kevin Bishop (01622 753261)
A group for men, who meet for breakfast.

Messy Church – Fiona Higgs (07951 777854)
Fun activities for parents and children to do together, a short time of worship and then tea.

Mothers’ Union – Mary Cook (01622 670420)
An international Christian membership movement, actively supporting families and communities in need of support in the UK and worldwide.

Mums & Babes – Fiona Higgs (07951 777854)
An opportunity to relax and spend time with other new parents and members of the local community of all ages. Coffee, cake and toys.

Oasis Family Explorers (Family Friendly Church) – Fiona Higgs (07951 777854)
Held during the Oasis Communion service, a group for pre/primary school aged children. Activities and bible stories.

St Nicholas Fellowship – Gill Waite (01622 664957)
Guest speakers, outings, tea and cake.

Tuesday Café – Liz Walker (07434 156563)
A community Café open each Tuesday. Coffee, chat, home-made cakes and a table quiz if you fancy it. Everyone welcome.