Weekly Update – 5th March

Dear All

What is Failure? For those of you following the Church of England’s Lent course (Dust & Glory), that has been the subject of this week’s reflection. I’ve been listening to the course via the App, and find it very thought provoking.

It is mentioned that failure is inevitable, and actually we need to learn how to live with it. As I write this, Faith Explorers have just finished, and this question was discussed at length.

We all have times of failure in our lives, but when dissected, these aren’t failures at all! They are situations that have given us the opportunity to learn (about ourselves, about others, about what is important); sometimes these failures lead us on a path that is in a different direction to the one we thought we were travelling, that has then opened up new opportunities or relationships; and all of these ‘failures’ have led us to being the person that we are today. The difficulty is recognising and taking responsibility for our role in the failure.

God’s grace means human failure doesn’t prevent us from being part of God’s people and doing God’s work.

Let’s carry that knowledge with us as we journey through this time of interregnum.

Lord, help me see clearly when things go wrong. May I not be swift to blame when others fail, and may I not run away when I myself fail.


Included in this week’s notice sheet are a couple of photos from Rev Chris’ last service. His ministry reached across the community as can been seen in the group photo. Let’s pray that St Nicholas (both building and church) continue to be a blessing to all those who need us.


Church Warden