Weekly Update 3rd July
Dear all,
Wimbledon is well underway and to be perfectly honest it is a little difficult to get any work done! I have the coverage on in the background and keep getting absorbed in the current match when I should be doing something else.
Nevertheless, we have other important things going on at present and, in particular, this is the time of year for ordinations to take place at Canterbury Cathedral as candidates, who have been preparing to take this significant step, are presented to the Bishop.
Revd. Anthea, curate at St Paul’s, and who is under my supervision, is to take this step – she received her first ordination last year and became a ‘deacon’. This second ordination is to the priesthood which means that, amongst her duties (primarily as a Minister in the Workplace at the hairdressing salon that she runs), she will now be able to preside at Holy Communion.
I consider it a great privilege to have played a significant part in her journey to this moment, and indeed beyond. Please pray for her, and the other ordination candidates, as they prepare for all that take place on Saturday at the Cathedral.
On the world stage the events unfolding in Ukraine continue to be of great concern and none of us can fail to be repulsed by the tragic situation that took place with a missile hitting a crowded shopping centre in Kremenchuk. We pray for those directly affected and for a peaceful solution to this conflict as we recognise that the impact of all that is going on stretches across the globe.
Rev Chris