Weekly Update: 2nd February

Welcome to February, and the news that the position of Priest-in-charge at St Nicholas has been filled, what a wonderful start to the month.

My last monthly ‘waffle’ shared that I’m not a ‘new year’ person; January really isn’t my month! But February? That’s when I feel we can really start looking forward; much of the winter dark is behind us and whilst the weather can be damp and gloomy, snowdrops are beginning to appear, the sun is seen more often and has just a little more warmth to it than before, it’s time to start making plans….

We’ve started our year of celebrations with our Festival of Starlight. Stars have been decorated and submitted from the congregation, schools, uniformed organisations (both within and beyond our parish), with more coming every day. And what an impact they make; not just visually, but as a statement; of our individuality, of our impact when joined together, of our mission to shine.

 ‘Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name – so magnificent! So powerful! – and never overlooks a single one?’ (Isaiah 40:26)

The stars will be staying up until the end of February and then we have more celebratory events to look forward to (2025 is going to be busy!)

The following list is not exhaustive, and changes are being made all the time. Confirmed details will be published as soon as we can, but thought you may want to make a note of the dates we have so far:-

Lent Fundraising Challenge (based on the Parable of the Talents)

Easter Film Afternoon – 19th April

Beer & Bangers (50 beers for 50 years) – 26th April

Community Arts and Crafts Exhibition – 2nd-4th May

Photographic Exhibition – June

The Big 50 Weekend including Garden Party, special Sunday Service, lunch – 12th–13th July

Self-led trail of St Nicholas’ Parish – August

Church Picnic – 14th September

Harvest Lunch – 12th October

St Nicholas Festival – 6th December

Christmas Tree Festival – 12th–14th December


If any of these have particular appeal and you’d like to find out more and offer help, please come and find me at the end of a service.

Of course in addition to these, we have our ‘usual’ events being planned (Maundy Thursday Supper, Christmas Market, Jazz Concert et al) so do keep an eye on the notice sheet for dates.

Lord, give strength and joy to all who lead in our church, may He grant boundless energy to carry out His ministry with enthusiasm and passion, even in the midst of a busy schedule. Amen


