Weekly Update – 26th November
A few years back I listened to a talk where the speaker used an interesting metaphor. They described their faith like a “Swiss Army Knife”. One of those pen-knives which has many different tools as well as something to cut with. They reflected on the fact that when they first bought one of these pen-knives, it was for a particular purpose. To have something to cut things, like string, or to use when cooking while out camping and hiking. However, having used their pen-knife for some time they then discovered the uses for the other various tools on the pen-knife. They likened this to when they came to faith. Initially it was with a single focus or purpose. Yet as time went by, they continually discovered new things and new aspects of their faith. They discovered fresh insights in reading from the Bible.
This coming Sunday we celebrate Christ the King Sunday. It is the end of the church year. The final Sunday in the yearly cycle of seasons, celebrations and associated Bible readings. Next Sunday a new church year commences with Advent Sunday and the season of Advent when we prepare and look forward to the birth of Christ and to celebrate the Christmas season. Christ the King Sunday is the end of our journey through the life of Christ. We reflect that all history ends with Christ risen, ascended, glorified and enthroned, ruling over all.
Possibly, like me, as you have journeyed through the last year you might also have discovered fresh insights, new aspects of faith and a deeper understanding of God’s message through the lectionary readings, the seasons and the celebrations. As we stand at the start of Advent and the new church year no doubt there will be more things to be discovered. Bon Voyage!
As we consider and reflect on being at the turning point of the church year, I am pleased to report on a milestone in our current period of Interregnum. In an earlier discussion with Archdeacon Andrew, it was agreed that the arrangement we had when Rev Chris was with us would continue, and the new vicar will be shared with St Paul’s in Maidstone. Both our PCC and St Paul’s PCC have now completed their Parish Profile, and these have been sent to the Archdeacon. We are anticipating that the position for our shared vicar will be advertised in the coming weeks.
Going back to this Sunday – Christ the King Sunday – as we reflect on all we have discovered through our faith this year: a prayer of thanksgiving.
Christ the King,
the Good Shepherd, we thank You that,
You searched for us,
You rescued us,
You looked after us,
You fed us,
You tended us,
You bound us when we were injured,
You strengthened us when we were weak.