Weekly Update – 24th December

What a wonderful time we had last weekend.  The Church was full of Christmas Trees and a marvellous display of creativity in decorating the trees from individuals and organisations across our community.


Across the three days the festival was on, we welcomed 430 people who visited.  Then we finished with “Carols amongst the Christmas Trees”, and a journey with readings and carols to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus.  A wonderful start to our celebration of Christ’s birth.


I would draw your attention to a series of daily reflections called “Follow the Star” that are available through the Church of England weblink (https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-calling/what-we-believe/advent-and-christmas/connect-years-call-join-song). You can download an app to have the reflections sent to you each day between 24 December and 6 January.   These short reflections offer an opportunity to focus each of the twelve days of Christmas on the hope and encouragement that the Christmas season brings.


Please remember the two Crib Services on Christmas Eve, at 3pm and 4.30pm.  Then at 11.30pm we have the Midnight Holy Communion, which is being led by Rev Liz Chapman, who is a visiting priest from Rochester Diocese but who also serves Canterbury Diocese.  We look forward to welcoming her to preach and celebrate communion with us.  On Christmas Day morning, we will be joined by Archdeacon Andrew for our 10am Oasis Communion.  It is always wonderful to have him join us and we look forward to welcoming him on this special occasion.


Finally, for those who have not already heard, the advert for our new Vicar is out and interviews will take place in early February.  Please hold in your prayers those who are called to apply for the role, those who will be part of the selection and interview process, and also for ourselves as we prepare for the new vicar joining us and leading us onwards to where God would have us be.


I wish you a joyful and blessed Christmas.






  1. Please note there will be no weekly update next week (31st December)