Weekly Update – 15th December

“Don’t panic! Don’t Panic!!”

I wonder how many of you remember the BBC sitcom Dad’s Army. I stumbled across an episode the other day and found myself laughing as I enjoyed it’s silly, family humour. It was a favourite on a Sunday evening in the 70s and 80s. One of the most memorable characters was Corporal Jones played by Clive Dunn. His catchphrase was “Don’t panic, don’t panic!” and he was so funny as he was literally running around the set shouting this phrase and he was the only one who was panicking.


I wonder if we are a bit like Corporal Jones. Do we panic? Are we looking at how fast Christmas is approaching and panicking about the shopping, family, school concerts and all the many other things that we try not to panic about.


Thinking about the real reason of Christmas and the well-known story that we think about  this time of year, there was a very real reason to feel panic upon arrival in Bethlehem. Joseph must have been panicking a bit when he realised that Bethlehem was so busy, that he couldn’t find a safe place for him and Mary. Baby was coming, Mary needed him to make it alright and find a place so she could have her baby.  I wonder if she tried to keep it quiet from Joseph at first that she was in labour as she didn’t want to worry him. How many doors did they try? How many sharp rejections did they get from the occupants behind those doors?  “No Room!”, “Not my problem”, “Go Away!”


It must’ve been scary! What on earth now? God, had brought them this far and through so much already, surely it was time to panic?


When our tendency is to be frightened, when we can’t see the answer we need, an answer that might feel urgent to us, remember that God doesn’t panic. He doesn’t need to as all the concerns that worry us, he’s already sorted them out. You might think that God’s timing is a bit off sometimes, I know I do. Wouldn’t it be easy if God worked to our schedule, our diary.  But here’s the thing, God is never late for anything. Everything that happened to Joseph, Mary and Jesus was about God’s will being perfectly timed for maximum glory for His Kingdom, His Son.

Whilst being faithful and dedicated to God’s will for their lives (and that will must’ve seemed a bit bonkers at times to them!), Joseph and Mary were still human and imperfect, whereas our Heavenly Father is already and eternally perfect (Matthew 5 vs 48). God had everything under control even down to the smallest detail. Joseph and Mary needed “brave faith” to trust themselves to God even when in their own strength, things were not looking good at all! They trusted even though they must’ve had so much fear creeping into their thinking, soaking into their souls.


So,  are you panicking about today? Is fear in charge of your day? Is panic the norm every Christmas or any time of the year for you? Take those thoughts captive and give it all to God. (2 Corinthians 10 vs 5). Rest in His presence, get your brave faith on and dare to trust Him with your fears and concerns. God is still in the business of building His Kingdom and the glory going to Jesus. Nothing’s changed. Panic ye not! God is still in control


Have a blessful week.
