Weekly Update – 12th February
Dear all,
As mentioned last week with the forthcoming interregnum nothing much changes other than some minor ‘tweaks’ here or there for logistical reasons. The weekly communications will continue, although we have made the decision that the personal deliveries are going to cease after the 17th February and these printed updates will be left at the back of church for people to collect during the week, at Sunday services or at Tuesday Café. You are, of course, welcome to take one, or more, for those that you feel would welcome the information.
Some have asked me what to do with donations for the stock of non-perishable food that we keep for local Foodbanks, as these are currently left in The Rectory porch. These can now be left in the church porch, which is open on weekdays.
Just a reminder that the ‘hub’ group that has taken responsibility for managing the development of the Parish Profile (the document that presents a picture of St Nicholas Church and the community for potential candidates) continue to seek your input into that process through their ‘What three words’ responses, which can be placed in the box at the back of church – please see attached.
Sarah and I are having a good clear out at The Rectory as we prepare for our move to West Sussex in just a couple of weeks. Having said that I keep getting this nagging feeling that it would be nice to get another motorbike! Hmm, we’ll see how that goes!
Every blessing,
Rev Chris
p.s. The events that have unfolded in recent days in Turkey and Syria are clearly devastating. Please have their people in your thoughts and prayers.
We pray for the people of Central Turkey and North West Syria, whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake. Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd, to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness. Shield the people who suffer, console those who are bereaved, prosper the provision of relief, strengthen the work of emergency teams, and shine your light and hope in the midst of despair. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen