Weekly Prayer Sheet

PRAYER SPACE – 13th September, 2020
DIOCESE Canterbury Cathedral – Dean: Robert Willis
The Living Well – centre for Healing & Wholeness, Chaplain: Lorraine Apps-Huggins
East Bridge Deanery – Area Dean: Stefan Thomas, Lay Chair: Steve Sheath
Reculver Deanery – Area Dean: Carol Smith, Lay Chair: Amanda Boucherat
MAIDSTONE DEANERY All the parishes at this difficult time;
All Saints Loose, All Saints Maidstone with St Philips & St Stephens, St Andrew’s, St Faith’s, St Luke’s, St Martin’s, St Michael’s, St Nicholas’ and St Paul’s.
RESIDENTS Newbury Ave., Nursery Ave., Nightingale Close, Burdock Court, Burghclere Drive
COMMUNITY Cedardale Care Home, The Blackthorn Trust
CHARITY OF THE MONTH Stand By Me – Children’s Charity
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Barry Rendell, Dawson, Kirsty, Paul Middleditch, Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Margaret Bodkin, Joan Finn, Diane Hills, Arthur Pilbeam,
Ian Stuart, Betty Chantler, Betty King Belinda Pearce, Jenny White
BEREAVED Jeanne Bull
If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for please use the following contact details;

If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Space please ensure that you have their, or their family’s permission. Our prayer space provides a ‘cycle of prayer’, throughout the year, around church, local community and beyond.

Lord of the harvest, we thank you for all who have worked on land and sea to provide our daily food. We remember our farmers and fishermen and those in other parts of the world who have planted the seed and tended the crops, and the fruit of whose labours we enjoy. Grant that they may receive justice, a fair return for their labour and hope for the future with a stable climate. We pray too for those who package and deliver our food, for shopkeepers and restauranteurs, for those concerned with the nation’s health and for ourselves, that we may shop wisely and with thought for others. AMEN
Heavenly Father, we are mindful that whilst we are well fed and nourished there are many who are short of food, whose harvests have failed for lack of rain as climate changes, or whose livelihood has been destroyed by war, inhumanity and exploitation. Bless the development agencies who are seeking to redress the balance and bring peace and justice where there is want, discord and destruction. Bless those who work for climate justice so that all countries, rich and poor, will have an equal entitlement per person to create greenhouse gas emissions. Give us generous hearts that from our riches we may increasingly give our support to those working among the poor and under-privileged in the world, and keep us ever mindful of our Lord’s command to love our neighbours – whether close at hand or in the wider world – as ourselves. AMEN