Rev Chris’s Weekly Update – 19/02
Dear all,
So, the moment has come, and Sunday is my last service in the parish. Many have asked both Sarah and me how we are feeling about leaving after more than nine years at St Nicholas Church. The answer is that we feel both sadness and excitement.
Sadness because we have become part of this community and have invested a lot of ourselves here. We feel privileged to have served in this place in the good times as well as the challenging times of the pandemic. It has been a joy to work alongside the wonderful people of the church and community. Allington is a good place to be and I have been particularly touched by the significant responses from amongst this community in times of need – the ongoing donations to the stock of goods we keep for distributing to good causes is a testament to that.
But there is also excitement at the prospect of embarking on a new phase of life as we move to our new house in West Sussex. I have every intention of continuing in ministry and my hope is to help out wherever I can in our new location, albeit without the parish responsibilities.
As we depart I know that the church is in safe hands – please do all you can to support those carrying such responsibilities, both in prayer and encouragement.
One of the things that started in the pandemic was the ‘online’ service on our Facebook group – I did the first one of these on Mothering Sunday 2020 and it is hard to believe that we have been presenting these for nearly three years! (You can catch up on the back catalogue on the website if the fancy takes you). My last one will be broadcast this coming Sunday at 10am and I have to say that it has been wonderful filming in many different locations, from the seaside to the North Downs, and even from a vineyard! These ‘online’ offerings will continue, although they will be fortnightly for the time being (Fiona on second Sunday’s and Nigel on fourth Sunday’s).
If you can make it along to our farewell service on Sunday it will be great to see you, but for now let me finish with a wonderful Celtic blessing;
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.
And the blessing of God almighty,
Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Be with you and remain with you
now and always,