Rev Chris’ Weekly Update 14/11
Dear all,
This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday which is an opportunity to reflect on the nature and horror of war, and the lives lost in the cause of seeking justice. We have been studying the book of Job, from the Old Testament, just recently and this is a book that very much sits with the tension of pain and loss that we set alongside the hope that we have, as Christians, in Jesus Christ. Please do take the opportunity to join us at one of our services on Sunday, either 8am Holy Communion or 10am Oasis Cafe – each will include an act of remembrance and a time to reflect (there will also be the usual online offering).
On a joyous note, as previously mentioned, there is the Confirmation Service, with Bishop Rose at St Martin’s Shepway, on Saturday at 6pm. Please do join us if you can and be praying for our candidates Faye, Nicola, Kim & Gerald at this special time on their journeys with God.
CHRISTMAS – a subject that is on everyone’s mind. I’m not sure how many ‘sleeps’ there are to go but we will begin the ‘Advent’ countdown with the first Sunday of Advent on the 28th November, when the first candle on the Advent Wreath will be lit in church. Accompanying this update are details of our Christmas services, as well as details of the Christmas Market on the 4th December – I hope to see you there. Don’t forget that Bishop Rose will be with us for our Christmas morning service.
FOOD BANK – finally just to say that the Food Bank is now preparing parcels for Christmas and would welcome donations of UHT milk, coffee, rice pudding, custard, crisps, tinned meat, squash, and long-life fruit juice. Please continue to leave donations at the Rectory porch.
Rev Chris
This year we are able to run the church Christmas Card Scheme again; it is a way of donating to the Water Aid charity and cutting down on the number of cards you need to buy.
The money you might spend on buying Christmas cards for your church friends is donated to Water Aid.
We supply a card with your name on it; you then sign all the other cards and make a donation. You then collect your card – full of signatures.
There will be a sign-up list at the back of church from Sunday 7th November until Sun. 21st November. The cards will be available for signing from Wednesday 24th November until Wed. 8th December. You will then be able to collect your card from Sun. 12th December.
Any queries to;
Margaret & David Salvage
Tel. 672985