Rev Chris Weekly Update 02/10

Dear all,

We have just returned from walking the 192-mile Coast to Coast path from St Bees on the Cumbrian coast to Robin Hood’s Bay on the Yorkshire coast. This was a wonderful journey across three national parks with differing landscapes, made all the better by having good weather – as people often say, quoting from book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, “the sun shines on the righteous” (actually it’s a misquote because the full text is “The Father causes his rain to fall on the just and the unjust; the sun likewise shines on the righteous and the unrighteous.”).

Apart from the weather, and the landscape, one of the great joys of such walks is meeting other people who are doing the same and, certainly in our case, the majority were either from the USA or Australia (including a church minister from Melbourne, also called Chris). How wonderful that such a route in the UK has such international prominence – it also meant that we had conversations about recent events concerning the death of the Queen and we were struck by how much others from around the world held her with such high esteem.

We are in the Harvest season and if you want to come along to our Harvest Supper, this Saturday at 7.30pm, let Sarah know (01622 297307 or Our services this Sunday, and the following Sunday, are opportunities to bring non-perishable harvest gifts that will be used to restock our store of goods in the garage behind the halls.

As a reminder, please note that there will be a service of thanksgiving for the life of Shirley Rose on Thursday 6th October, at 2.15pm, in church. There will be refreshments, in the main hall, following on from that service.


Rev Chris