Rev Chris update for Palm Sunday

Dear all,

Next week is Holy Week, the time that takes us on a journey towards the cross on which Jesus was crucified, but also on a journey where we come to Easter Sunday and the realisation that the REAL journey of life for all humanity, with God, begins because of that cross.

We will begin physical church services again on Easter Sunday, with booking required, and details are on the accompany Services & Events page. This will also be a journey as we develop a way forward that may not necessarily be tied to how things were before the pandemic and as we reflect on what is best in terms of the bigger picture of enabling people to encounter God in ways that are relevant to the age that we live in.

For now, the decision has been made that the Sunday morning services in church will be only those that are based around communion. Other Sunday morning services that are lay led will remain online for the present. This is something that will be reviewed on a regular basis and developed accordingly.

Equally we are working on how other areas of church life develop, such as opening halls, working with schools, social events and so on. One activity I am keen to see in action is the Tuesday Café as this will provide a significant place for social interaction that so many have missed – watch this space for developments in the weeks ahead.

Getting back to Holy Week, please make the most of the online services on offer;


PALM SUNDAY 28th – 10am Morning Service – Rev Chris (Facebook)

10am Communion Service – Rev Chris (Zoom – code on Services & Events page)

6.30 ENCOUNTER WORSHIP – Jackie (Facebook) song link

This is a song by Martyn Layzell called ‘LOST IN WONDER’. It’s a great song so have a listen and join Jackie on Sunday. Then during the week, we have a series of services on Facebook called EASTER BITES, looking at characters from the Easter story;

MONDAY – 7pm, Nigel – Peter, DENIER OF JESUS

TUESDAY – 7pm, Jackie – Mary, MOTHER OF JESUS


THURSDAY – 7pm, Fiona – Pontius Pilate, WASHING HIS HANDS OF JESUS

FRIDAY – 7pm, Jackie – The thief on the cross and the centurion, RECOGNISING WHO JESUS IS

SATURDAY – 7pm, Nigel – Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, RISK/REVERENCE/RESPECT FOR JESUS


Every blessing,

Rev Chris

p.s. don’t forget the clocks go forward this weekend.

p.p.s CHURCH FLOWERS FOR EASTER – St Nicholas Church will be decorated with lilies utilising funds from last year that were donated in memory of loved ones. St Andrew’s will decorate their church next Saturday at 10am.