Rev Chris update for 4th July

Dear all,
As we progress further towards the hopeful lifting of restrictions so thoughts turn to how we will take church forward to ensure that we continue to provide the ability to encounter God in many ways, having learnt that ‘online’ is part of how we now go about that.
Regarding ‘physical’ services we have also to take regard of the differing perspectives that various individuals will approach things. Some will think we can go ahead all guns blazing, so to speak, others will be nervous and have concerns about protecting ourselves in a situation where we start to have to learn to live with the presence of the Covid virus and its variants.
Whatever we do will not just be in line with government guidance but will also be in line with how the Church of England advises us to proceed. As part of that it is important that we are all respectful of each other and differing perspectives.
I am very conscious that some may continue to feel uncomfortable in returning to church even if restrictions are lifted, and I am also conscious that they may be missing receiving communion. With that in mind if you wish to receive communion at home, I am more than happy to do so – please just contact me and we will make an appropriate arrangement.
On a change of subject this weekend is an incredibly special one that is nothing to do with football or tennis! This Saturday the Bishop will ordain various individuals at Canterbury Cathedral who have been in training for ministry. If you refer to the prayer section on the Services & Events page attached, you will see a list of those involved. One of those is Anthea Mitchell who is based at St Paul’s and will be under my supervision – she was with us briefly last year as part of her training.
Ordination is the culmination of a demanding journey that starts with an individual sensing a call from God to ministry and involves several years of discernment, testing and training.

I consider it a great honour to have been asked to be Anthea’s training incumbent and I look forward to being with her, albeit socially distanced, at the Cathedral on Saturday as Bishop Rose ordains her.
You might also like to know that Bishop Rose will be in Maidstone deanery on Monday and I will be taking her to visit various projects – one of those will be here at St Nicholas Church as Fiona introduces her to the schools Year 6 transition workshops taking place in church.
Every blessing
Rev Chris
Sunday 4th July (this Sunday)
10am – the Morning Worship team will be in church for the first time in over a year – please book a place (they will also be online)
5pm OASIS IN THE AFTERNOON – this would normally be our annual BBQ but in view of the current circumstances it will be a normal service and the BBQ will be at the beginning of August.