Rev Chris update for 19th & 26th September

Dear all,
Apologies that this update is coming out a little early this week, but I am heading off to the Lake District for a some fell walking (Thanks Geoff for the loan of the book – some useful walks that we will try).

You will be in good hands this Sunday as Canon Liz presides at the 8am Communion and Fiona will be leading the 10am Oasis service (and online offering) that will be ‘Café’ style and touching on some current issues. Katie, in the office, will re-issue the ‘Services & Events’ page next week as a reminder of all that is going on.
As matters progress with starting up various activities the Social Committee met this week to talk about the way forward with certain events. We have the HARVEST SUPPER coming up (see below) and the CHRISTMAS MARKET (4th December) is currently being planned.
Please note that all church related activities, whether worship or social, which includes Tuesday Cafe, Sunday Lunch Club, Harvest Supper, etc. will be run in accordance with the prevailing Covid guidelines that we, as a church, have in place – at present these are as follows;
• Sanitising on entering the premises.
• Wearing of face coverings when entering, and moving around on the premises, although these can be removed when seated.
• Awareness of the ‘personal space’ of others and that they may wish to maintain social distancing.

On the worship front, having also taken responsibility for St Paul’s Church, please be aware of the minor changes to the pattern of services at St Nicholas that comes into effect from October as follows;
1st Sunday – 10am HOLY COMMUNION (Traditional communion)
5pm OASIS IN THE AFTERNOON (Lay led, informal, family friendly)
2nd Sunday – 8am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer based communion)
10am OASIS WORSHIP (Lay led, informal, modern songs – Café style)
3rd Sunday – 10am OASIS COMMUNION (Less formal communion, mix of modern and traditional songs)
4th Sunday – 8am HOLY COMMUNION
10am MORNING WORSHIP (Lay led, mix of formal/informal, traditional hymns)
6.30pm ENCOUNTER WORSHIP (Lay led contemporary worship)
5th Sunday (when there is one) – 10am HOLY COMMUNION
Mid-week communions are likely to settle down to fortnightly on the first and third Wednesday’s. The communion on the first Wednesday of the month will continue to involve Mother’s Union (PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR OCTOBER THIS WILL BE ON THE 13th OCTOBER DUE TO CERTAIN LOGISTICAL ISSUES)
As we continue to re-develop our worship, we will see what other possibilities emerge – there will be MESSY CHURCH this Saturday and we are experimenting with a different time, as you will see from the Services & Events page.
Our ON-LINE offerings will certainly continue on the St Nicholas Facebook Group as these have proved very popular. For those not on Facebook all recordings are posted on the website and can be viewed at any time.
All of this may seem a lot to take in but please be assured that all will be clear from the SERVICES & EVENTS page issued weekly.
Rev Chris


Saturday 2nd October, 2021 at 7.30pm
St Nicholas’ Church Hall,
Poplar Grove, Allington ME16 0DE
Come and enjoy a delicious supper. Please bring your own drinks (glasses provided).
Home-grown entertainment and a raffle. Proceeds to St Nicholas Church Funds.
TICKETS: £5 per adult, £15 per family
from Parish Office or Sarah – 297307
Come and volunteer to perform on stage for 5 mins –
sing, dance, act, read a poem etc…
Contact Sarah Lavender {297307} to book your slot!!!