Rev Chris update for 11th April – 7th May

Dear all,
It is with great sadness that we hear of the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Phillip. Our thoughts and prayer go out to Her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and all the Royal Family, on this sad occasion.
The Government have asked that we do not use a physical book of condolence, in view of the current pandemic – however an online book is available through this link;
St Nicholas Church will be open each weekday, as usual, for private prayer and reflection. Flowers and tributes may be left outside, under the cross on the front wall – these will be removed prayerfully, a few days after the funeral.
God of our lives,
We give thanks for the life of Prince Philp,
For his love of country,
And for his devotion to duty.
We entrust him now to your love and mercy,
Through our Redeemer Jesus Christ.

Monday coming is another milestone in the journey out of lockdown. In terms of church activities, we will seek to work our way through the coming weeks as appropriately as possible and taking gradual steps as we consider Sunday and mid-week services and the much-needed Tuesday Café.
I am going to be away for about three weeks. In the absence of a church administrator at St Nicholas I have been issuing these weekly notices so there will be a break until my return, although Sarah will issue a reminder of upcoming Services & Events, in a couple of weeks.
Upon my return the format of the update is going to be reviewed. How it evolves will also be linked to our employing a new administrator, for St Nicholas Church, as soon as we can.
In the meantime, I would like to say thank you to all who have contributed goods towards the Food Bank over the last year. Everyone’s generosity has had a significant impact and it was great to hear how specific families all received an Easter parcel with much needed supplies, and an Easter Egg.
It was good to be in church for Easter Sunday and we look forward to the day when there is sufficient relaxation in restrictions that we will be able to interact more fully, and, indeed, be able to sing. Through all of these difficulties we hold on to our faith in the God of all creation as being our guide and our strength – on 25th April Jackie will be leading our Encounter Worship service online and will use the song MY LIGHTHOUSE by Rend Collective. It is a great song and reminds us of the ONE who is our guiding light. (Check out the song at this link:
Rev Chris