Rev Chris update
Rev Chris update – 13th September, 2020
Dear all,
There is going to be a short break to these weekly updates as I am going to be away on holiday for a couple of weeks. St Nicholas church will be closed for private prayer whilst I am away but will be open again from the week beginning 28th September.
New Government guidelines come into effect next week which impact certain activities. Sadly, it means that our film afternoon, scheduled for the 10th October, has had to be postponed. It also means that the annual meetings for both churches will now need to take place over Zoom, rather than physically – if you wish to attend either of those meetings here are the zoom codes;
• ST NICHOLAS ANNUAL MEETING – Monday 12th October, 7.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 4550 6657
Passcode: 245438
• ST ANDREW’S ANNUAL MEETING – Monday 19th October, 7.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 6186 7798
Passcode: 857677
If you wish to attend one of these meetings but are unable to access Zoom please contact the church office (01622 299715 or and we will find an appropriate way for you to be included.
Jackie Wilkinson, who leads Encounter Worship is starting an exciting new project called WORSHIP HUB – this starts on Wednesday 23rd September and is an opportunity to meet ‘virtually’ to talk about your favourite worship songs and what God is saying to you through them. See the attached flyer for details.
In the meantime, we are in the Harvest Festival season and there are going to be four services of celebration. On the 20th September, at 10am, there will be an ‘online’ Oasis Harvest Parade Service led by Fiona (with help from the uniform groups) and at the same time St Andrew’s will have their Harvest Service, in church, led by a lay team. On the 27th September, at 10am, there will be a Harvest Communion service at St Nicholas led by Canon Liz Walker, and at the same time Fiona will present another ‘online’ service bringing our Harvest week to a conclusion.
Harvest gifts are very much appreciated and will be distributed to various charities that serve the vulnerable and needy in Maidstone. If you are booking to come to a service, please bring your gifts with you – if you are unable to be at a service but wish to donate you can do so in two ways;
1. Leave them in the porch of The Rectory, 35, Poplar Grove
2. Deliver them to 1, Cowdrey Close, Maidstone, ME16 8PN
Thank you for being so patient during ‘lockdown’ and particularly now as we gradually re-enter our buildings for worship. We are doing our absolute best to strike a balance between functioning in a way that meets the needs of as many as possible and doing so in a safe and appropriate way. Hopefully, the measures in place will ease over time – for now please do make the most of the services on offer, whether ‘online’ or in church. I think that some are holding back from booking a place in church for fear of preventing someone else going – please don’t let this stop you as I am sure there are ways that all wishing to come can be accommodated.
I also need to take this opportunity to say thank you to Stella, one of the churchwardens at St Andrew’s. Stella is moving to the Norfolk/Suffolk borders within the next few days – she has been a loyal and dedicated member of St Andrew’s Church for many years and will be missed. She is coming back to the parish on Sunday 4th October for a farewell service at the 10am communion, which will be a great opportunity to thank her formally for her years of dedicated service.
Every blessing, Rev Chris
Services and Events – Diary for 13th September to 4th October
DAY | DATE | SERVICES ONLINE (Facebook/website) | SERVICES AT CHURCH (booking required) |
SUNDAY | 13 | 10am Morning service – Rev Chris | 10am Oasis Communion @ St Nicholas – Rev Chris |
FRIDAY | 18 | 10.30 Faith Explorers – Fiona (St Nics or Zoom) | |
SATURDAY | 19 | 11am Messy Church @ St Nicholas – Fiona (Outside) | |
SUNDAY | 20 | 10am Harvest Oasis Parade Service – Fiona | 10am Harvest Service @ St Andrew’s – Team |
WEDNESDAY | 23 | 7.30 Worship Hub – Jackie (Zoom) | |
FRIDAY | 25 | 11am Faith Explorers – Fiona (St Nics or Zoom) | |
SUNDAY | 27 | 10am Morning Harvest Service – Fiona
6.30 Encounter Worship – Jackie |
10am Harvest Communion @ St Nicholas – Canon Liz |
SUNDAY | 4 | 10am Morning Service – Nigel & team
8am Communion @ St Nicholas – Rev Chris
10am Communion @ St Andrew’s – Rev Chris 5pm Oasis in the Afternoon @ St Nicholas – Fiona & Rev Chris (Outside or Zoom) 6pm JAHFA youth group – Fiona |
ST NICHOLAS ANNUAL MEETING (APCM) – Monday 12th October, 7.30pm – ZOOM Join Zoom Meeting ID: 815 4550 6657 Passcode: 245438
Agendas and reports were circulated in March but if you need further contact the church office.
ST ANDREW’S APCM – Monday 19th October, 7.30pm – ZOOM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 6186 7798Passcode: 857677
Agendas and reports will be circulated shortly.
MOTHER’S UNION COMMUNION – Wednesday 4th November, 10am @ St Nicholas. All welcome.
Telephone: 01622 299715 and leave a message – Email: – Please provide your telephone number, the number of people attending in your family group/bubble
and stipulate which se rvice/meeting/event you are wishing to attend. These details will be kept for Test & Trace purposes and will be destroyed after 21 days.