Rev Chris update – 21st November

Dear all,

What a wonderful evening we had at St Martin’s church last Saturday as Gerald, Kim, Nicola and Faye were confirmed by Bishop Rose, alongside candidates from that church. The Bishop talked about this being a step on a journey and not an end point and I hope and pray that we as a church can continue to provide the space and the encouragement for them to continue that journey with God.

God of the journey,
may you be both
traveling companion
and mountain guide
on this, our daily walk;
lest unprepared
or ill-equipped
our feet should stumble
on uneven ground,
or clouds obscure
the destination
that we so long to see.


This coming weekend we have Messy Church on Saturday afternoon, at 3pm, and please contact Fiona if you wish to come along – 07951777854

On Sunday morning, at 10am, we continue our interesting, and challenging journey through the book of Job from the Old Testament. This is a book that is packed full of high drama and this week we encounter another so called ‘friend’ of the beleaguered Job seeking to offer wise council for his predicament. Does Job really need another busy body coming along with what they think is the answer to his problems?

Keep in mind all that is coming up for Advent and Christmas – the Christmas Market on the 4th December, Carol Service on the 19th, Crib Services (3pm & 4.30pm) and Midnight Mass (11.30pm) on Christmas Eve, and Oasis Communion on Christmas Day with Bishop Rose.

In the meantime, please note that we are keeping an eye on the situation regarding the ongoing uncertainties around infection rates and, if deemed necessary, will respond accordingly.


Rev Chris


FOOD BANK – the Food Bank is now preparing parcels for Christmas and would welcome donations of UHT milk, coffee, rice pudding, custard, crisps, tinned meat, squash, and long-life fruit juice. Please continue to leave donations at the Rectory porch.

CHRISTMAS MARKET – there are now sign-up sheets in church for help with teas and coffees and for making cakes, or contact Margaret Salvage – 672985



This year we are able to run the church Christmas Card Scheme again; it is a way of donating to the Water Aid charity and cutting down on the number of cards you need to buy.

The money you might spend on buying Christmas cards for your church friends is donated to Water Aid.

We supply a card with your name on it; you then sign all the other cards and make a donation. You then collect your card – full of signatures.

There will be a sign-up list at the back of church from Sunday 7th November until Sun. 21st November. The cards will be available for signing from Wednesday 24th November until Wed. 8th December. You will then be able to collect your card from Sun. 12th December.

Any queries to;

Margaret & David Salvage

Tel. 672985
