Rev Chris update 21st March, 2021
Dear all,
Tuesday will be the anniversary of the nation entering into the first lockdown and, as previously mentioned this will be marked with a time of reflection at both our churches.
St Andrew’s will be open for private prayer from 10-12.30, with a minute’s silence at midday.
St Nicholas will be open all week, for private prayer, with the space developed in a way as to aid reflection. There will be changing pictures from lockdown on the screens, background music and various prayers stations. Please also bring a stone to lay at the cross near the altar as we build a ‘cairn’ of letting go. A lighted candle will also be placed in the porch at 8pm, on the 23rd, as part of a national day of reflection, as encouraged by the Marie Curie Foundation.
The following Sunday (28th) is Palm Sunday – the day when we remember the final entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before his arrest and crucifixion. The people waved palm branches as he entered thinking he was to liberate them from Roman occupation, without realising that the liberation he really brought was at a more profound level. In normal circumstances we hand out ‘palm crosses’ at a service on that day – however this year the crosses will be available for collection from St Nicholas Church and will form part of the reflection and prayer space mentioned above – the crosses will have been suitably isolated and will be laid out individually for you to take.
After Palm Sunday we enter Holy Week and each evening, at 7pm, there will be an online service focusing on a different character from the Easter Story, in much the same way as we did in the run up to Christmas.
Easter Sunday will have the usual Facebook service and will also be the day we start the journey towards services in church. There will be communion services at both churches for which booking a place is necessary as all restrictions remain in place.
I do hope that you find time to make the most of all the different offerings of services as we continue to navigate our way through the lockdown restrictions and how we work our way out of them in line with changing guidance.
Every blessing,
Rev Chris