Rev Chris Update 17/10

Dear all,

What a wonderful ‘week of Harvest’ we have just had – here is a picture of the significant quantity of gifts that will go to those in need;

These gifts were collected from our services across two weekends and from the schools Harvest Festivals that Fiona was involved with. Our service last Sunday was a Harvest Parade service and we had nearly one hundred people in church – it is lovely to have the connection with the uniform groups in this way and wonderful to have so many in church when this has not been the case for such a long period of time. We must be thankful for the hard work that Fiona puts in as our Children’s Families & Schools Minister and who has worked tirelessly to maintain connections throughout the community.

At the beginning of the month the diocese filmed Harvest Prayers from across the county. These can be accessed from the Canterbury Diocese website at this location You Can view my contribution, which was filmed from Allington lock here;

As a reminder, please note our that we will be having a COMMEMORATION SERVICE on Sunday 31st October at 3pm. If you wish to have a loved one remembered in that service then please let me know and I can include their names. You are more than welcome to attend the service but it would be hlepful if you could let me know.

Please also remember our BIBLE PROJECT evenings that will start on Monday 25th October at 7pm, in church. If you intend to join us, please can I ask you to read the first three chapters of the book of JOB.

I hope to start thinking about our Advent and Christmas services soon. Having had to cancel most of them last year the hope is that we can get things going again and make this year extra special.


Rev Chris

p.s. With regard to restrictions when attending church these have been eased in that face coverings are now a recommendation rather than a requirement, although we do still ask that you sanitise your hands when entering the building. For those attending communion this will continue to be offered in ‘one kind’ only for the time being.