Rev Chris update 12th September
Dear all,
As mentioned last week, this Saturday is the annual Ride & Stride that is an important fund raiser that helps provide a much-needed financial boost for churches. I intend to be out and about on my bicycle. My Sunday service will be focusing on Mary, the mother of Jesus, so on my travels on Saturday I shall aim to film my ‘online’ thought for the day from a church by the name St Mary’s, and I will try and do that from as far away as possible (taking into account I’ve got to get back again in time for Sunday morning!).
Every year, in normal circumstances, each deanery in Canterbury Diocese has a visit from the Bishop to carry out a confirmation service for those that wish to take that step on their faith journey. As most people have been baptised as infants this offers the opportunity for them to say the vows that were said by their parents and godparents. There wasn’t a confirmation service last year because of the pandemic but there will be one this year on Saturday 13th November, 6pm, at St Martin’s Church, Shepway. Should you wish to consider the possibility of confirmation as part of your journey then please do contact me.
Whilst mentioning Bishop Rose I am pleased to announce that she will be leading the 10am Christmas Service at St Nicholas Church, ably assisted by Fiona, our Children’s, Families & Schools Minister. Put it in your diary to be there because that is going to be a great service – Bishop Rose led my service of licensing at St Paul’s and she was fantastic.
Every blessing,
Rev Chris
p.s. DON’T FORGET THE HARVEST SUPPER – details below.
Saturday 2nd October, 2021 at 7.30pm
St Nicholas’ Church Hall,
Poplar Grove, Allington ME16 0DE
Come and enjoy a delicious supper.
Please bring your own drinks (glasses provided).
Home-grown entertainment and a raffle.
Proceeds to St Nicholas Church Funds.
TICKETS: £5 per adult, £15 per family
from Parish Office or Sarah – 297307
Come and volunteer to perform on stage for 5 mins –
sing, dance, act, read a poem etc…
Contact Sarah Lavender {297307} to book your slot!!!