Rev Chris update 11th October
Rev Chris update – 11th October, 2020
Dear all,
Please find accompanying this the weekly Prayer Space and Services & Events notice. We continue to provide a mix of ‘online’ and ‘in church’ services – the development of these are still under review so please bear with us as we consider the best way forward for the mission of the church.
In the meantime, there are a couple of exciting developments that I would like to bring to your attention;
1) The communion service on the 25th October, at St Nicholas, is to have a choir. Guidelines allow socially distanced choirs to sing so a small group of singers has been brought together so that we can listen to the hymns.
2) REMEMBRANCE – could you make a poppy for a display that will be put on at St Nicholas Church? Various community groups, individuals and schools have taken up the challenge to make poppies from whatever they have to hand – why not join in and make one, or more, deliver them to The Rectory (by the beginning of November if possible) and we will develop them into a display.
Also, as part of our ongoing connections with the schools Fiona has placed their Harvest Displays, that would normally be in the school halls, in St Nicholas Church. Please do call into church to see them all.
Ministry is a great joy and seeing new people develop is a particular pleasure. With that in mind I would like to introduce you to Anthea Mitchell. Anthea is involved with St Paul’s Church, Boxley Rd., Maidstone, and is in training for ordination. As part of that training, she must complete an attachment at another church and will therefore be joining us over the next couple of months – she will help at various services, including preaching occasionally. Please do say hello if you see her and include her in your prayers as she works her way towards ordination.
Finally, just to say that we are not reaching capacity at the services that are ‘in church’ so please do book a place. If it is a last-minute decision, don’t worry as I’m sure we can accommodate you if you turn up.
Rev Chris