Rev Chris Update – 03/10 & 10/10
Dear all,
It’s Harvest Festival time!
A time to be thankful and a time to be generous. At St Nicholas Church we will be making this a week-long affair starting at 10am on Sunday 3rd October with Holy Communion and traditional hymns and ending at 10am on Sunday 10th October with our Oasis Harvest Parade Service with the uniform groups. In between there will be engagement with the schools both in church, and at school, as Fiona leads them in their harvest celebrations.
Whichever service you choose to come to please bring a mountain of non-perishable harvest gifts. These will be added to our Food Bank stock and distributed, as required, across various needy causes.
On the social front, don’t forget our Harvest Supper this Saturday at 7.30pm in the main hall – food provided. Contact Sarah on 297307 for tickets.
Our ‘Harvest Week’ also coincides with WORLD HOMELESS WEEK, and we will be raising awareness of this issue at our services on 3rd October.
On Sunday 31st October, at 3pm, I will be holding a Commemoration Service for those that have lost a loved one over the last year and where I have conducted the funeral. If you also wish to have a loved one remembered in that service then please let me know and I can include their names. You are more than welcome to attend the service but it would be helpful if you could let me know.
As mentioned, some weeks ago, I am intending to have some evening sessions, in church, looking at two books from the Old Testament, JOB and SONG OF SONGS, and to have a Sunday sermon series following them as well. The evenings will be as follows (all at 7pm);
There is some ‘homework’ to do and for the first week could I ask those coming to read chapters 1-3 of the Book of Job.
Finally, just to remind you that, with my additional role at St Paul’s, our amended service pattern starts this weekend, but everything is detailed on the Services & Events page (For logistical reasons Oasis Communion on 17th October will be, just for this month, Holy Communion).
Rev Chris