Rev Chris New Year update
Dear all,
Happy New Year to you all, despite all the challenges that lay ahead. I cannot speak for others, but I have to say that I have been getting just a bit fed up with the current situation and I certainly need to take to heart a comment I saw in the newspaper this week of being thankful for what we have and not what we do not have. We made the best of Christmas and I am grateful for those who put time and effort into the Christmas Trees at St Nicholas Church and for the online/in church services, but somehow it wasn’t quite the same without the carol singing and the numbers we normally engage with at this time of year.
As many of you know I took the decision to suspend physical services in church until, at least, the end of January. This was not a decision that I took lightly but after due consideration and consultation – I am not alone in having taken such action as many other churches have done the same. Bishop Rose has given her authority until Lent, which begins on the 17th February. I cannot say whether physical services will need to be suspended beyond that date, but I certainly have no intention of re-instating them whilst we continue to be in tier 4 lockdown.
Services will therefore remain solely online for the foreseeable future. Nigel and his team will be presenting this week’s service and I attach their service order and the Services & Events page for the rest of the month.
I am so pleased to see just how many people tune into our services on Facebook, although I am acutely aware that for many such services, whilst enjoyable, cannot give the same sense of fellowship. With that in mind, on the 24TH January as well as broadcasting on Facebook, at 10am, I am going to have a Zoom service at the same time – the code is on the Services & Events page. This should offer the opportunity for people to see each other and to join in with the service.
In the meantime, please do keep donations coming for the Food Bank as there is still great need out there – here are pictures of parcels that have been made up from recent donations;
Please also note that at some stage I am going to have to make an appeal for funds for the church. This doesn’t sit comfortably with me as I dislike asking for money, but the current situation is having a severe impact on finances and the losses sustained run into tens of thousands of pounds. This is clearly unsustainable, and action will need to be taken soon. I will say more on this in the coming weeks.
Rev Chris