Prayers for 6th Dec week.

God our heavenly Father, as we begin this advent journey, fill our hearts with your comfort and joy, that we may wait with confidence the coming of your Son. Make us watchful and keep us faithful in your service, so that we may share your hope with all around us. (Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin)
MAIDSTONE DEANERY Those parishes in interregnum as they manage their churches during the time of vacancy and develop their Parish Profiles as they look to a new incumbent.
St Paul’s and All Saints with St Phillips & St Stephens
RESIDENTS St Anne’s Close, St Peter’s Street, Scotney Gardens, Gainsborough Drive, Gatland Lane
COMMUNITY 1ST Allington Guides
CHARITY OF THE MONTH Through The Roof – changing lives for those living with disability
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Dawson, Kirsty, Paul Middleditch, Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Connie Davies, Alan & Rosemary Watson, Jonathan & Sue Veira, Pauline, Martin Smith, Betty Chantler, Pauline Holbrook, Arthur Pilbeam, Emma, Heather Lewton, Betty King, Belinda Pearce, Freda Pearce, Jenny White, Geoff Lomas, Margaret Bodkin, John Dickens
BEREAVED Jean Taylor, Kathie Rose, Judie Thompson, Margaret Plummer
If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for please use the following contact details;

Telephone: 01622 758641

Telephone: 01622 728233

If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Space please ensure that you have their, or their family’s permission. Our prayer space provides a ‘cycle of prayer’, throughout the year, around church, local community and beyond.

‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means- God with us.’
Matthew 1:23
We thank God the Father for giving us His Son, to be with us for all time. At this busy time, we pray that we may focus on what truly matters and not be distracted by trivial things.
We pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God’s presence, and enjoy it. For peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances. For confidence in God’s love for us and trust in His power to work things out for the best in our lives.
We pray for openness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, for an awareness of God’s grace in our lives and the humility to extend that grace to others.

We ask, Lord, that we won’t compare this Advent season to others, help us to find meaning and joy in life as we acknowledge that your love, joy, peace, power and hope are available to us in endless supply. Let us fill this Advent season with light not darkness, we ask Lord that You surround us with your presence. May we praise your Holy name.
‘Let us then approach the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need.’ Hebrews 4:16

We give thanks for all our spiritual leaders, our faithful friends who encourage us when we feel like giving up. We pray for those who are experiencing loss, physical or spiritual, for those dealing with unemployment, pain, addiction, sickness, frustrations of all kinds. We pray for family and friends whose hearts are far from you. We pray for peace…in our hearts, our homes, our churches, our nation, our world. We thank you, Lord, for sending Jesus to bring light, hope and reconciliation to this world.

God of light and hope look upon us in love and fill us with the Spirit of Jesus that we may love you and serve in your kingdom. Protect us this week and keep us watchful in prayer as we await the celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Lord, who is the light of the world. (Advent Prayer. Anon.)
‘Praise be to God who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me.’ Psalm 66:20