Prayers for 15th November
DIOCESE Maidstone Deanery – AREA DEAN Chris Lavender, LAY CHAIR Diane Enfield
MAIDSTONE DEANERY Those parishes in interregnum as they manage their churches during the time of vacancy and develop their Parish Profiles as they look to a new incumbent.
St Paul’s and All Saints with St Phillips & St Stephens
RESIDENTS Sheringham Close, Stadler Close, Shaftesbury Close, Farington Close, Farleigh Lane
COMMUNITY Allington Cub Scout Pack
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Dawson, Kirsty, Paul Middleditch, Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Connie Davies, Betty Chantler, Amy Delahunte, Diane Hills, Jake Ireland, Arthur Pilbeam, Emma, Betty King, Belinda Pearce, Jenny White, Finley
If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for please use the following contact details;
Telephone: 01622 758641
Telephone: 01622 728233
If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Space please ensure that you have their, or their family’s permission. Our prayer space provides a ‘cycle of prayer’, throughout the year, around church, local community and beyond.
Loving God, you know us and all we are facing. We thank you that we can come to you as we are – with all our fears and concerns, our difficulties and challenges. Please draw close to each of us and those we remember before you now. Bring to us your peace and comfort and fill us with your Spirit that we may be bearers of your grace and hope to others. As a country protect us, encourage us and keep us. In the name of your Son Jesus we pray. AMEN
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the efforts of the scientists involved in finding a possible effective vaccine for Covid. We thank you too for all who have and are taking part in trials on the vaccine. We pray that its use may be confirmed and for those whose responsibility it will be to distribute the vaccine as widely and fairly as possible both in our own country and throughout the world. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, we pray for our Church leaders who are unable to lead worship in our Churches at the present time. We pray for your wisdom as they plan the way ahead to enable our Churches to be open for worship at Christmas to promote the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as a baby, being the real meaning of Christmas. AMEN.
In this rough and tumble world, dear Lord, we get hurt and disappointed, distressed and afraid. Receive our thanksgiving for those who comfort our lives when we are emotionally wounded and struggling in our minds. We pray for those who give us careful advice in our difficulties, who share our burdens and our perplexities without condemning us. We thank you for all who encourage us without envy and malice. Give us grace to help when friends turn to us in their need and wish us to share their burdens. Help us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep and so continue the service of Christ. We ask this for his compassion’s sake and to his glory. AMEN