Prayers for 15th & 22nd August
DIOCESE OSPRINGE DEANERY Area Dean: Steve Lillicrap, Lay Chair: Miranda Ford
DEANERY St Martin’s, Shepway – Revd. Joyce Addison and curate Revd. Andrew Edwards
RESIDENTS Hazelwood Drive, Hyde Road, Hextable Close
COMMUNITY St Francis Catholic Primary School
CHARITY Alongside Africa
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Dawson, Kirsty, Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Alan & Rosemary Watson, Jonathan & Sue Veira, Connie Neaves, Wendy (Hetty’s niece), Emma & Alex, Esmae Rogers, Jasmine, Pauline Garrett
DECEASED Ann Lillywhite
If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;
Telephone: 01622 758641
Rev Chris’ update talked about being in the ‘presence’ of God and it therefore seemed appropriate to us a prayer referred to as St Patrick’s Breastplate (part of it, at least) that was written in 433A.D. as a prayer of divine protection;
I bind unto myself today
The power of God to hold and lead,
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
His ear to hearken to my need.
The wisdom of my God to teach,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
The word of God to give me speech,
His heavenly host to be my guard.
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.