Prayers – 9th July



DIOCESE Praying Together: Following Jesus

Lord Jesus,
Who calls us to follow before all else,
Who lifts us up to lead us into life,
Breathe your breath into us,
Ignite the Holy Spirit within us,
Be our bread for the journey
Our living water,
That we might grow in love
For you and for one another,
And spill such abundance of your light wherever we go
That others may see, be drawn to you, and follow.


Prayer written by Revd Paulette Stubbings – Team Vicar at St Alphege, Seasalter

DEANERY Praying for the Deanery discerning how to move forward in a time of change and transition
RESIDENTS Warden Close, Warwick Place, Watermill Close
COMMUNITY St Nicholas Fellowship
CHARITY Alongside Africa
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Betty Hildebrand, Rosemary Watson, Connie Neaves, Jo & Oscar, Hilary King, Priscilla, Peter Sturgess, Jackie, James Birt, Alan Bird, Tina & James, Barbara Graham, Jackie Harlock, Alessandra  Zevallos, Esther, Mary Harvey, Janet, Liz Boots, Marie Derry, Elsa Harrington



If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;

Email:  Telephone: 01622 758641