Prayers – 14/08


DIOCESE Listening and Discerning: Giving thanks

Dear God,

We give thanks for the person or people who first told us about the Good News of what Jesus has done for us. We are so grateful for the changes that this has brought into our lives. We thank you that this Good News is still as relevant as it ever was, perhaps even more so with all the bad news that is around at the moment! May we continue to find ways to share this eternal Good News with others through what we say and do in a way that is “simpler, bolder and humbler”.


DEANERY Praying for the Deanery discerning how to move forward in a time of change and transition.
RESIDENTS Cheriton Way, Chilham Road, Clement Court
COMMUNITY Sunday Lunch Club
CHARITY Alongside Africa
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Betty Hildebrand, Alan & Rosemary Watson, Connie Neaves, Melvin Watts, Jo & Oscar, Hilary King, Priscilla, Peter Sturgess, Fran, Jackie, Wendy, John Larcombe, Chloe Redford, Beryl Fletcher, Shirley Rose
DECEASED Sheila Rendell, Peter Excell

If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;

Email:  Telephone: 01622 758641


‘Praise the name of the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to His name for that is pleasant. Psalm 135:3

Lord, we do indeed praise your name, You are the mighty Lord who gave us everything that we have around us: a beautiful land, birds, insects, animals of every imaginable kind. Seasons, friendships, family, the list is endless. We give You our thanks, may we never cease to remember that all we have comes from You. We praise You for Your mercy toward us, ever patient, forgiving, compassionate. Without You, we are a lost people.

‘In Him and through faith in Him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence.’ Eph. 3:12

Lord, we come to you trusting that You will hear our prayer. We pray for the natural world, for the countries suffering drought, for those destroyed by flood, for people who have lost everything in fire. You, Lord, created and control the elements, we ask that You will have compassion on those who are suffering in abnormal weather conditions. Forgive us for abusing Your earth, help us to repair damage that the earth may be fruitful again. Hear our prayer for nourishing rain to fall in Europe, that rivers may be restored, reservoirs replenished. We pray too for the areas flooded, may the floodwater recede and help be given to those in need.

We pray for all those suffering as a result of the extreme heat: the very young, the elderly, those doing manual labour. Please Lord, bring healing to your land.

‘The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them.’ Psalm 34:7