Prayers – 11/06


DIOCESE Giving thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit

Today let us take a moment to pause.

And in the silence to thank God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Spirit of fire, set our hearts aflame with your love, so that we may follow our Lord’s command to “love one another so that everyone may know that you are my disciples.”


Prayer written by Pat Wright – LGBT+ Chaplain for the Canterbury Diocese

DEANERY Praying for the Deanery discerning how to move forward in a time of change and transition
RESIDENTS Terrace Road, The Russets, The Spires
COMMUNITY Worship Leaders & Worship Planning Groups
CHARITY Christian Aid
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Betty Hildebrand, Rosemary Watson, Connie Neaves, Jo & Oscar, Hilary King, Priscilla, Peter Sturgess, Fran, Jackie, James Birt, Alan Bird, Tina & James, Elsa Harrington, Barbara Graham, Jackie Harlock, Mike Garrett, Alessandra  Zevallos, Esther, Mary Harvey, Janet, Marjorie Wright, Liz Boots
DECEASED Cheryl Munt



If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;

Email:  Telephone: 01622 758641


‘We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.’ 2 Cor.4:8-9


Lord, we pray for the people of Ukraine, now suffering yet another challenge from the burst dam. We ask You to be with them in these days, show them hope for the future. Lord, You haven’t abandoned Your people, there is always hope even when things seem especially harsh. We pray for aid to pour in to Ukraine, for a solution to be found to end the invasion. Give words of encouragement where they are most effective. Comfort the scared and broken-hearted.


‘The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.’ Nahum 1:7


Lord, we know that not all people trust in You, so we intercede for those who haven’t met You; we pray particularly for all those affected by the fires in Canada, the far reaching smoke pollution, the loss of homes and income. We ask, Father, for rain to quench the fires, You alone can change weather and bring healing rain. We ask for Your compassion on all suffering from the air pollution, for those with respiratory conditions, for the young, the elderly, for those who work outside. Please, Lord, bring an end to this suffering. We acknowledge that our behaviour hasn’t helped the world, give us the wisdom to change our habits and selfishness to help Your world to heal.

Please, Lord, be with the families in Annecy who suffered after a knife attack in a park. Don’t let fear rule in that beautiful town. Be with those injured and their families. We pray for healing of bodies, minds and emotions.

‘ May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us; may your ways be known upon all the earth, your salvation among all nations.’ Psalm 67:1