Prayer sheet for 6th September, 2020

PRAYER SPACE – 6th September, 2020
DIOCESE We pray for all church musicians, giving thanks for their talents and their commitment to serving God through their gifts. We pray for directors of music as they work out new and creative ways to sustain musical worship, and for all those who assist them. We remember especially before God today those choir members and instrumentalists who are not yet able to return to their musical ministry, and ask that God would sustain them in this difficult time.
MAIDSTONE DEANERY All the parishes at this difficult time;
All Saints Loose, All Saints Maidstone with St Philips & St Stephens, St Andrew’s, St Faith’s, St Luke’s, St Martin’s, St Michael’s, St Nicholas’ and St Paul’s.
RESIDENTS Mountsfield Close, Malling Terrace, Maxwell Drive, Beaumont Road, Bramble Close
COMMUNITY Lulworth House Nursing Home, Mid Kent College
CHARITY OF THE MONTH Stand By Me – Children’s Charity
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Barry Rendell, Dawson, Kirsty, Paul Middleditch, The Rogers family
Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Margaret, Joan, Diane, Arthur, Ian, Betty, Belinda, Jenny
BEREAVED Jeanne Bull,

If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for please use the following contact details;

If you wish to add a name to the Prayer Space please ensure that you have their, or their family’s permission. Our prayer space provides a ‘cycle of prayer’, throughout the year, around church, local community and beyond.

O Spirit of God, set at rest the crowded, hurrying conscious thoughts within our minds and hearts. Let the peace and quiet of your presence take possession of us. Help us to relax, to rest, to become open and receptive to you. You know our inmost spirits, the hidden unconscious life within us, the forgotten memories of hurts and fears, the frustrated desires, the unresolved tensions and dilemmas. Cleanse and sweeten the springs of our being that freedom, life and love may flow into both our conscious and hidden life. Lord, we open before you, waiting for your healing, your peace and your word.
AMEN (Prayer by George Appleton).

Equip me today, Lord, with the humility which will keep me from pride or contempt, the graciousness and the gentleness which will make me easy to live with and a joy to meet; the diligence, the perseverance and the reliability which will make me a good worker; the kindness which will give me a quick eye to see what I can do for others and a ready hand to do it; the constant awareness of your presence which will make me do everything as unto you. So grant that today people will see in me a glimpse of the life of our precious Lord. This we ask for your love’s sake.
AMEN (Prayer by William Barclay)

Heavenly Father we pray for the children of our country returning to school, some after a long absence, that their fears may reduce and their confidence increase. We pray for teachers as they prepare and reopen schools with the pattern and structure of their schools changed and we pray for parents that their anxieties about their children returning to school will abate. We pray especially for the schools in our two Parishes and for their pupils and staff. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

We pray for the future of our two Churches as they tentatively start worship again, for our priest Rev. Chris as he takes up new duties as Area Dean and for our Church Wardens and Parochial Church Councils as they seek to plan the way ahead. We ask this in Jesus name. AMEN.

Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death, victory is ours through Him who loves us. (Bishop Desmond Tutu).

You said so gently,
So persistently
“Give me your weariness
And I will give you rest”.
I did – finally.
You did – immediately.
Then, Lord, I marvelled
That I had waited so long.
AMEN (Ruth Harms Calkin).