Rev Chris Update – 28 November
Dear all,
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, that time of ‘counting’ down to Christmas. This is a season of expectation and preparation to celebrate the ‘incarnation’, the birth of Jesus as ‘God with us.’ Commercial pressure often distracts us from the relevance of this significant event.
This Friday is ‘Black Friday’, and it is not for me to judge shopping behaviours, because who wouldn’t make the most of a good deal (although an article in my newspaper this week suggested that such deals may not be all they appear to be – I couldn’t possibly comment), but it does make you wonder about priorities.
In terms of ‘priorities’ I am sure that many will be looking forward to spending time with family this Christmas as this may have been denied them last year. This was certainly the case for us as a family and my hope and prayer is that we can all enjoy that sense of togetherness this year.
In the meantime, we are not there yet. We now enter that period of hopeful expectation. In church we will light the first candle on our Advent Wreath as a reminder of the true light coming into the world.
Every blessing,
Rev Chris
TUESDAY CAFÉ: Please note – the café is closed on 7th, 14th & 28th December (see ‘Forthcoming Events’ for details)
CHRISTMAS MARKET: We urgently need more cake-makers for the Christmas Market next weekend, if you can help please contact Margaret on Tel. 672985 email: