Prayers 06/08


DIOCESE Listening and Discerning: Mission and Outreach

Lord Jesus, You accompanied your disciples on the road as they healed the sick, cast out demons and shared the good news of the Kingdom. Please be with us in the diocese in our Alpha courses, Parent and Toddler groups, coffee mornings, seeker services and all our outreach efforts. When people meet us, may they see something of you in us, and may they be drawn by the love of Christ. Give us courage and boldness, gentleness and winsomeness, in inviting our family, friends and neighbours to church, and appropriate events. Please prepare their hearts for such invitations. Please accompany us, your disciples, as we seek to carry out your Great Commission.

Prayer written by Martin Collings – Licensed Lay Minister at St Mary Bredin, Canterbury

DEANERY Praying for the Deanery discerning how to move forward in a time of change and transition
RESIDENTS Anerley Close, Ash Grove, Audley Close
COMMUNITY Pastoral Work – Home Communion & Care Homes
CHARITY Alongside Africa
SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Betty Hildebrand, Rosemary Watson, Connie Neaves, Jo & Oscar, Hilary King, Priscilla, Peter Sturgess, Jackie, Alan Bird, Tina & James, Jackie Harlock, Alessandra  Zevallos, Mary Harvey, Janet, Liz Boots, Elsa Harrington, Alan Foreman
DECEASED Marie Derry


If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;

Email:  Telephone: 01622 758641

‘Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.’ Psalm 100:3

Thank you, Lord, for the knowledge that we are your people, that our lives are of consequence to You. We may enter freely into Your presence knowing that You want the very best for each of us. Help us, Father, to listen out for Your still small voice leading and guiding us into doing your will.

We pray, Lord, for all those living under difficult conditions because of hostile weather conditions. We ask, Lord, for respite from the heat, for the fires to die out, for floods to recede that people may rebuild their lives. We lift up to You especially those who had little to start with, bring aid and comfort to their families. Bless those who share the little they have with their neighbour. Show us in the West how we can give aid where it’s needed & where it’s going to be effective.

‘But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.’ Psalm 5:11

Thank you, Lord, for Your promise to be close to those who trust in You. There are so many challenges in our world, so many distractions readily available. We pray for all those who are close to your Kingdom, give them strength and grace to make that final commitment, secure in the knowledge that You are longing to shelter them within Your love. We lift up to You all young people who are gripped by social media, open their eyes to Your reality, let them see the emptiness of a virtual world. Thank you for all the youth who acknowledge You, make their testimony powerful, let Jesus be glorified in their lives.

We ask, Father, that Your peace may spread in the world, for war to cease, for lives to be rebuilt, for Your kingdom to come.

‘Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.’ Ephesians 3:12

Thank you, Lord, that You hear our prayer.