Prayers for 25th July

Father, we pray for all the children and young people in our diocese struggling with mental health. Thank you that you are present with them, offering peace and comfort. Help us to rise up and be your hands and feet and heart to those who are most in need, we don’t want to ignore the mental health crisis going on around us, show us how to join with you in bringing peace and wholeness in the midst of anxiety and depression. Your kingdom come.
(Prayer request written by Ben Hatfield – Diocesan Children and Young Peoples ministry advisor)

DEANERY Anna Chaplaincy and its work with the care homes in Maidstone

RESIDENTS Giddyhorn Lane, Glenwood Close, Goudhurst Close

COMMUNITY Palace Wood Primary School

CHARITY Alongside Africa

SICK & ANXIOUS Tanay, Dawson, Kirsty, Betty Hildebrand, Gordon Lorimer, Amy Bates, Alan & Rosemary Watson, Jonathan & Sue Veira, Connie Neaves, Wendy (Hetty’s niece), Emma & Alex, Esmae Rogers, Jasmine

DECEASED Brian Saxby, Jim Tansley, Ann Lillywhite

If you have a particular need you would like us to pray for, please use the following contact details;
Telephone: 01622 758641

Heavenly Father, we pray for all those who have been affected by the weather conditions of the last few weeks, the extreme heat in America & Canada, the floods in Europe & China. We grieve with those who have lost homes and livelihoods. Please give families strength while they rebuild their lives. We pray that survivors find refuge in You.
We ask, Lord, that You inspire leaders of wealthy nations to respond with compassion and generosity. We pray for the aid workers, please equip and inspire them as they help support victims of natural disasters. May Your church reach out to help where possible, thank you for all those who heed Your words: ‘ And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.’ 2 Thess 2:13
We lift up to You all those refugees who are looking for a better life for their families. May they be treated with compassion and generosity wherever they seek help. Lord, we can’t imagine living in conditions which make people flee their country, but ‘ You take pity on the weak & vulnerable, the afflicted who have no one to help.’
‘I was a stranger and you invited me in.’ Matthew 25:35
Creation sings of Your Majesty, created in Your image, we are a reflection of You. Every good thing comes from You & is rooted in Your love for us.
Help us, Lord, to be a consistent source of light for those around us that Jesus may be glorified.